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Tuesday 8 July 2014

The Chronicle

Hi all.

So I am writing another post to outline the name change of my blog and update the reasons why it exists.

Firstly, Inta Wild was just a daft name I used because of its uniqueness and because, truly, I do not think I had any real belief that the blog would ever ascent beyond the ramblings of myself in-front of an entire audience of, well, myself. Of course, the blog still has not risen beyond a place for me to write about stuff that nobody else particularly cares about, but Inta Wild was/is just a painfully stupid and non-useful name for my 'site. Croft's Chronicle is, to be honest, hardly much better, but it was the only title I could conjure-up without stealing the name of someone else's website. Maybe I'll change it again should inspiration strike. I would also like to have the page header look smoother and blend with the orange background but the picture formatting on Google's blog kit-set is piss poor, to say the least. It'll have to do, for now.

Secondly, the reason Croft's Chronicle exists is for more-or-less the same reasons as it did before. It is merely an online space for me to vent my views and opinions whilst also archiving my written work. When I first created this blog I was intended to use it purely for leisure, but now - as a student of history at Teesside University - I would like it to serve as an online portfolio of my writing abilities. It can serve as a catalogue of my time as a novice writer before college and university and, also, as evidence of how those institutions have improved my writing and research skills as I move into my third and final year at university. In short, then, Croft's Chronicle is a chronicle of my written works; a place for those interested to see what I can offer. Otherwise, the blog will also continue to be a place for me to talk drivel and to have fun.

And that, as they say, is that.

"Remember to never cross the road until the little man turns green" - Sergeant Moue, Broken Sword and the Shadow of the Templars

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